Professor Rajesh P N Rao

CJ and Elizabeth Hwang Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: University of Washington (UW), Seattle
- BS- Angelo State University – 1992
- MS – University of Rochester – 1994
- Ph.D. – University of Rochester – 1998
- Computational Neuroscience
- Brain-Computer Interfacing
- Artificial Intelligence
Awards and Distinction
- Guggenheim Fellowship
- Fulbright Scholar award
- NSF CAREER award
- ONR Young Investigator Award
- Sloan Faculty Fellowship
- David and Lucile Packard Fellowship

Professor Christos Papadimitriou
Donovan Family Professor of Computer Science
Columbia University, New York, USA
- BS – Athens Polytechnic – 1972
- MS – Princeton University – 1974
- Ph.D. – Princeton University – 1976
- Theory of Algorithms and complexity, and its applications to optimization,
- databases,
- control, AI, robotics,
- economics and game theory, the Internet,
- evolution and the brain
Awards and Distinctions
- Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA
- Member of NAtional Academy of Engineering, USA
- Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Knuth Prize, Godel Prize
- von Neumann Medal
- Kalai prize for CS in Game Theory
- EATCS Award(European Association for Theoretical Computer Science)
- Author of Novels: “Turing”, “Logicomix” and “Independence”
- Honory Doctorates from Nine Universities