Nano-Fabrication,Nano-Structured Materials,Optoelectronics & Spectroscopy
Approximation Algorithms, Spectral Algorithms, Hardness of Approximation
Systems theory, probabilistic graphical models, stochastic processes, geometric tessellation
Approximation Algorithms, Online Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Online Learning, and Combinatorial Optimization and Algorithms for Big Data, and Machine Learning Theory.
Computer architecture, Hardware-Software co-design, Operating Systems
Neuromorphic computing, mixed signal VLSI systems, computational neuroscience,
Computational biology, genomics, graph algorithms, discrete algorithms, data structures, high performance computing
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, Interpretability and Analysis of Models, Inclusive Evaluation, Societal and Ethical Considerations of AI
Mixed-signal IC design, FPGA design, Hardware Security, Machine Learning, Biomedical circuits and systems
Stochastic Approximation, Random Topology and their applications to Reinforcement Learning and Topological Data Analysis
Human speech communication, signal and information processing, machine learning, text analytics
Robotic systems, be it control or learning or optimization.
Interface of computer science and microeconomics & algorithmic aspects of fair division.
Brain-inspired computing, Edge computing, Molecular electronics, Nano electronics, Chaos
Cognition, Computation and Behaviour
Signal processing, machine learning, deep learning and neuroscience
Signal Processing Theory and Applications, Graph Signal Processing, Network Sciences
Cryptographic Hardware & Security Protocols,Efficient Digital System Architectures,Quantum Computation,Machine Learning
Medical Image Analysis, Neuroimaging, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Domain adaptation, Computer Vision
Nano-Biotechnology, Biosensors, Interfaces To Neuronal Networks, Neuro-Electronics,Neuronal Networks